
'I’m sticking around'

One of the most remarkable neighbourhoods along the Kingsland Road, which bears testimony to the vast diversity and recent very rapid change of the wider area, lies as an oasis on its west side, de Beauvoir Town. Debby was born in de Beauvoir in the 1960s and has (almost) lived there since. Her grandparents and parents were all born in the East End, and Debby tells the story of her family that through generations lived together in this special part of London. Having experienced how the neighbouring areas have changed very rapidly in recent years, Debby touches upon issues around alienation and dispossession of the public amenities, shops and restaurants. ‘What does it take to feel a sense of belonging to an area that is changing faster than its residents?’ seems to be a question Debby would answer.


Ali's Front Room


'Like a rolling stone'